
We are the platform where a passion for catering translates into extraordinary career opportunities.

We are a team of catering enthusiasts, industry professionals, and innovators. We founded Rysto with the goal of revolutionizing the way talents in the catering sector find jobs and companies find the right professionals.

What drives us

Our motivation is fueled by the belief that working in the catering sector should not just be a job, but a fulfilling and stimulating career. We want to help eliminate precariousness and promote the recognition of the skills and work of those who are part of this extraordinary industry. With our constant commitment to innovation and fair access to opportunities, we hope to become your trusted partner in finding the ideal job.

What we do

Rysto provides an intuitive and powerful platform that connects catering professionals to employers seeking talent. We offer users effective tools for job search and application, as well as resources and advice for professional growth. We are here to simplify the process of job search and hiring, putting talent at the center of attention. Join us to create a future where your work reflects your passion.


Our mission is to create opportunities and transform the way catering professionals find jobs. We are committed to connecting the skills and passion of workers in the sector with the best professional opportunities available. We aim to simplify the search and hiring process for employers in the catering industry, enabling them to quickly and easily find the right talents. At the same time, we want to provide catering professionals with the opportunity to develop and promote their careers in a rewarding and sustainable manner. We are motivated by creating value for both parties, promoting success and growth of the catering industry as a whole.


We envision a future where our job search platform revolutionizes the catering industry by efficiently and meaningfully connecting industry professionals with opportunities that reflect their skills, aspirations, and passions. We see an ecosystem where unemployment in the catering sector is drastically reduced, and where workers find satisfaction in their careers and growth in their skills. Our vision is to create a global community of restaurants, chefs, cooks, waiters, and all catering professionals, who connect and collaborate to elevate the entire industry to new levels of excellence and success. With our ongoing commitment to innovation and fair access to opportunities, we hope to become a benchmark in the job search sector for catering, contributing to creating a world where talent and hard work are always recognized and rewarded.

Job brokering

Massimo Fabrizio, the holder of the site rysto.com, acts as an Internet site manager under the terms and for the effects of article 6, paragraph 1, letter f) of Legislative Decree 10 September 2003, no. 276 having communicated the start of the job brokering activity as per article 6, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Legislative Decree no. 276/2003, the intermediary code is the following: H501S015306.

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